Here you can inform yourself about all news and events.
News – pls. see german page
07/2018 – Podcast “Vom Leben der Natur”
Re-run from the podcast “Goldschakale in Österreich”
08/2017 – Poster Award!
At this year’s International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) meeting in Montpellier, France (08/2017) Jennifer Hatlauf (project manager), from the Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, received third place in the category best poster. The work on the current distribution of golden jackals in Austria was presented.
08/2017 – News from the study area!

Here you can inform yourself about all news and events.
Events – pls. see german page
31.10.2018 – 02.11.2018 – International golden jackal symposium!
The second international golden jackal symposium will be held in 2018 in Greece! Click here for registration!
13.04.2018 – Lange Nacht der Forschung
Jennifer Hatlauf at the Science Café
Open, relaxed and informal communication between visitors and researchers – that’s what a Science Café is all about. Sitting in small groups at café tables, research topics are discussed and opinions exchanged, questions can be asked and experiences can be shared. The common conversation is the focus, with the aim to make science curious, to reduce inhibitions and to get information about the people behind research projects.
05.03.2018 – 06.03.2018 – Jägertagung 2018
A talk about the golden jackal and the project was given at the “speakers corner”.
27.02.2018 – project meeting
“On 27.02 a project meeting took place at the Institute for Wildlife Biology and Game Management. All current topics were presented by the project members and further plans were discussed. Information about the website ( results of age estimates by the skull, reports about acoustic monitoring from other countries (Greece and Slovakia) and impressive first pictures of the photo trap monitoring were presented. With the goal of international networking, the project partners from Hungary and Slovakia were also invited. It was a constructive and forward-looking meeting. ”