a projekt

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golden jackal project in Austria

Since October 2015 a project for the systematic determination of the presence of golden jackals in Austria has been running at the Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management (IWJ) of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). The project start was financed by a BOKU research fellowship. The project is carried out by Jennifer Hatlauf MSc (jennifer.hatlauf@boku.ac.at).

The goal of the project is, among other things, the establishment of monitoring standards to provide a basic module for a long-term observation. Crucial is the development of national and international cooperations.

An important part of the project is also to raise awareness and to find a communication basis between several stakeholders.


Bioacoustic stimulation is used in areas with (old or new) confirmed and unconfirmed evidence of golden jackal groups.

At selected locations, cameras are assembled and checked in cooperation with hunters and members of nature conservation areas.


Within the framework of this research project an Austrian-wide survey is carried out. Click here if you want to participate in the survey.

online notification

Here you can report direct and indirect golden jackal sightings.

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